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Would you like us to share an international resource or opportunity with our members? First please do a search for it from the home page “Search” bar. If we have not shared it already, then consider our protocol for posting content (below).

Most of the things we feature within our curated content collection are from non-profit sources. We apply certain “criteria of avoidance” when analyzing and selecting content, including : 

  • Content that overtly pushes political or religious agendas. Organizations with such goals sometimes create good content items which we will share if there is no overt ideological baggage.  
  • Commercial endeavors with emphasis on selling products or services.  We typically do not feature links to content created by for-profit organizations unless we have an agreement for mutually supportive collaboration such as reciprocal advertising. 

If what you want us to share seems in line with our policy, please complete the form below. Thanks very much!